Tracking your shifts/hours in eDoula makes invoicing your clients an easy process.
You can enter your hours within the client profile or from Time Tracker on the left-hand toolbar. This article will show you both options.
Before you start tracking your hours in eDoula, you must set up your services. Learn how to set up your services in this article: Setting up your services
Time tracking within the client profile
Within the client profile click the TIME tab.
If you prefer to track your time when you arrive and leave your client's, you can use the START and END buttons.
If you log your hours before/after a shift, click the date and time buttons to log your time.
Toggle if the shift is Billable or not. If you toggle it as billable, it will get populated on your next invoice for the client, if you use the feature Generate Items on your invoice.
Choose the Service you provided for the shift. When you invoice this shift, it will charge the fee you have set up for this Service under Services & Products.
Time tracking from the left-hand toolbar
Select Time tracker on the left-hand toolbar.
If you prefer to track your time when you arrive and leave your client's, you can use the START and END buttons.
If you log your hours before/after a shift, click the date and time buttons to log your time.
Toggle if the shift is Billable or not. If you toggle it as billable, it will get populated on your next invoice for the client, if you use the feature 'Generate Items' on your invoice.
Choose the Service you provided for the shift. When you invoice this shift, it will charge the fee you have set up for this Service under Services & Products.